
HOOKED Chat Stories

Protect Young Eyes App Review

What is Hooked Chat Stories?

Description: HOOKED allows you to read stories in chat format for free*. Every HOOKED story is told in bite-sized, text message format. HOOKED allows readers to write their own chat stories, which can be shared with friends, or write a group story in what is called a “Fantasy Chat.” *The chat stories are free to an extent. Readers receive a certain number of free “hoots” (views of texts in a chat story) every ~35 minutes and can purchase unlimited hoots for $7.99/month or $39.99/year. 

Category: Books

APP Store rating: 9+ for infrequent/mild profanity or crude humor, mature/suggestive themes, and horror/fear themes. 

What do parents need to know about HOOKED?


The rating is way off: I have a 12-year-old, and I would never let her use this app. Following the screenshots below, first, you select from story genres. Titles within a genre vary, but almost every story includes a thread of sex (gay (lesbian) themes are prevalent), violence, drug use, and horror. Once you select a story, you then click “next” to reveal a story, chat by chat. It’s fascinating (and sobering) that even the young people writing these chat stories know what sells (remember, ATTENTION is the new currency of the web). 

Hooked Image #4

Is there Porn? The quick answer is YES – HOOKED has a search function that allows you to look for search terms, including inappropriate ones like “naked” or “sex.” The chats include X-Rated language and images for the story covers that can include nudity.

Note, if you need any billing assistance there’s not a number to call, but you can send an email to: [email protected].

The bottom line: Is Hooked safe for kids?

HOOKED feels more like a 17+ app. There’s just too much adult content and Apple is surprisingly incorrect with its seldom used 9+ rating. If after all of this, you still decide to allow your teenagers have the app, then I would recommend mom or dad spend an evening just flipping through the stories. The titles will give you an indication of what sells best (remember: sex, violence, drug use, and horror).

Now What? Have you Heard of Bark?

Are you interested in having greater insight into the social media platforms that your kids are using? Bark is one of the best platforms we’ve tested. They’re constantly looking for ways to dig further into apps like Facebook Messenger Kids and others, to keep parents informed about the information that matters. We trust them and we think you should, too!

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*There are affiliate links throughout this post because we’ve tested and trust a small list of parental control solutions. Our work saves you time! If you decide that you agree with us, then we may earn a small commission, which does nothing to your price. Enjoy! Protect Young Eyes Logo


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