
Here are the results of your quiz.

  1. You answered question 1 as . Consider the significance of playing video games WITH your kids.
  2. You answered question 2 as . Keep strong controls over device use in certain locations, including bedrooms, bathrooms, sleepovers, and anywhere during the night.
  3. You answered question 3 as . YouTube is difficult to control and we recommend Restricted Mode only until kids are in high school. Elementary should be YouTube Kids only and how to use YouTube Kids.
  4. You answered question 4 as . In this post you can learn how to turn off the app store.
  5. You answered question 5 as . Consider teaching your kids how to walk away from a digital conversation with someone they don’t know.
  6. You answered question 6 as . Blocking pornography can help. Also, talk to your kids early and often about what pornography is and how to respond.
  7. You answered question 7 as . If you haven’t blocked pornography yet, block it for free with these steps on every internet-ready device.
  8. You answered question 8 as . For Androids and Chromebooks, consider Family Link parental controls. For iOS families, our iOS 13 parental controls guide is fully updated.
  9. You answered question 9 as . Monitor social media activity for concerning behavior with Bark.
  10. You answered question 10 as . Consider how the above links might also help you use technology well.
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