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TikTok’s Algorithm is Scary Smart. Here’s How it Works
On July 21, 2021, the WSJ released an investigative report into TikTok‘s highly secretive algorithm, owned by ByteDance in China. There’s a reason it feels like the app gives you exactly what you’re looking for and even adults (like me) struggle to put it down.
Dare I say – the TikTok algorithm has god-like attributes, able to identify what you like and don’t like within minutes of creating an account.
And while all of us are praising TikTok for their parental controls (they ARE the only social media company with true parental controls), I think we’re ignoring a really, really important attribute of this massively popular app.
That while TikTok is preventing porn, they are sucking the life out of amazing teens with a highly addictive app that is also micro-sexualizing them with “almost porn.”
We published a 10-panel carousel on Instagram on July 24, and within three days, it was already the fifth most popular post in our history. TikTok is the first non-Facebook app to surpass 3 billion downloads globally. And, based on our most recent testing, it’s not hard to see why.
TikTok Algorithm Instagram Panels:
These panels set the stage by explaining a bit about the algorithm. It’s really important to understand that this algorithm is what you read on the third slide. TikTok is owned by a Chinese company. The 13-minute WSJ YouTube video that summarizes their findings is really worth a listen/watch.
These panels explore the results from the WSJ’s 100+ test accounts and and how scary quick the algorithm “rabbit-holed” the accounts toward content that the account seemed to like. This is similar to what we’ve seen on Instagram, whose algorithm picks up on suicidal tendencies, self-harm, etc. and then funnels similar accounts toward that user: Suicide Porn on Instagram.
Here’s our concern – the wonderful, miraculous, highly shapable teenage brain just can’t handle the god-like intelligence of this app. I invite you to open an account and maybe you’ll experience what I did – an inability to shut it off. I could not believe how quickly 90 minutes evaporated from my life as I thumbed through the “For You” feed on TikTok, as it zeroed in on what I liked and funneled more and more of that content my way. I literally couldn’t stop watching.
A final hope that parents who read this don’t overreact and smash the iPhone. After all, if you gave your child TikTok, it’s now up to you to help them figure out how to use it well. Now that you’re informed! You can find The Social Dilemma on Netflix.
ماذا لو كان لدي المزيد من الأسئلة؟ كيف يمكنني البقاء على اطلاع؟
إجراءان يمكنك اتخاذهما!
- اشترك في النشرة الإخبارية لاتجاهات التكنولوجيا، تنزيل PYE. كل 3 أسابيع تقريبًا، سنشارك الجديد، وما ينوي فريق PYE القيام به، ورسالة من كريس.
- اطرح أسئلتك في مجتمع الآباء الخاص بنا المسمى The Table! إنها ليست مجموعة فيسبوك أخرى. لا توجد إعلانات ولا خوارزميات ولا علامات نجمية. مجرد محادثات صادقة ونقدية وتعلم عميق! للآباء الذين يريدون «السير ببطء» معًا. كن عضوًا اليوم!
رسالة من الرئيس التنفيذي لدينا
اقرأ عن التزام فريقنا بتزويد الجميع على منصتنا العالمية بالتكنولوجيا التي يمكن أن تساعدهم على المضي قدمًا.
ظهرت في مرحلة الطفولة 2.0
يشرفني الانضمام إلى Bark وغيره من المدافعين الرائعين في هذا الفيلم.
مقدم المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي
انضم إلى ائتلاف من الخبراء العالميين لتقديم معلومات عن أضرار وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.
شهد أمام الكونغرس
شاركنا أبحاثنا وخبراتنا مع اللجنة القضائية بمجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي.