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The original streaming service. Now with controls!

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Controles parentales
Parental controls available.

Netflix Parental Controls Updated! 3 Layers to Protect Your Family

Netflix Updates:

  • Netflix now has a Video Game Streaming to their services. Users can play any of the listed games and play them for free by connecting their Netflix Account. But they are currently testing video game streaming, which supports a game controller app the company released a few weeks ago. Not available everywhere just yet, but it’s coming.
  • Netflix is charging an additional $8/month for users that share their account with those outside of your household.
  • Netflix now has a version with ads, Netflix Basic, which costs only $6.99/month.

For years, Netflix parental controls have been horrible. What’s more, the app stores only recently aligned their ratings for Netflix to be 12+ (Apple) and Teen (Google Play), instead of 4+ (which made zero sense). It took a global pandemic to force Netflix to create parental controls that work, which we explain below.

3 Layers of Netflix Parental Controls

Netflix is finally catching up to what parents want with their parental controls. We LOATHE some of their decisions – how they marketed the movie Cuties, as an example – but the parental controls are decent.

There are 3 primary layers of controls that parents will want to know about:

  1. Setting a pin at the individual profile level.
  2. Setting a ratings level for a profile.
  3. Blocking individual titles within a profile.

All, some, or none of these parental controls might be necessary for your family – you can decide after reading more below.

Parental Control Layer #1 – Set a Pin at the Individual Netflix Profile Level.

During the beginning stages of the 2020 pandemic, Netflix added the ability to set a 4-digit lock on individual accounts, as shown on the screen shots below. Only the Netflix Account Administrator (the person paying for the account) can make this change.

Reason that this might be necessary: if the parent profile has a different allowed rating level for shows, you might not want children browsing the parent profile.

Netflix Parental Controls Hack Solved!

It’s a little known fact that the first profile on the account is considered the “master” profile. On this profile, you can check a box that requires a passcode when adding MORE profiles. Remember, up to 5 profiles can be added to an account. This means that if you’re only using 3 profiles, a sneaky kid could add a profile, watch whatever he/she wants, delete the profile, and you would be none the wiser. BUT if you check this “Require PIN to add new profiles” box on the master profile, you can beat this kid hack!

If you have an Instagram account, we posted about this hack and it was really popular.

Layer #2 – Set a Ratings Level for a Profile.

Do you want your children viewing PG only? PG-13? Is it a kid account where you only want kid movies? See the image below for where you can make this decision.

Layer #3 – Block Individual Titles Within a Profile.

Even if a ratings pin is set, the thumbnail and description can still be seen and read, which means you might want to block specific titles. You might also disagree with whatever rating the MPAA has set for a movie. For example, you might not believe that a certain PG-13 movie is appropriate for a 14-year-old, so you might want to block it. See the image below for where you can make this decision.

Are you curious about parental controls for other streaming services? We’ve written about many of them!

Check out these streaming services reviews:

You might also find our Smart TV parental control guide to be useful. Step-by-step and chat-by-chat, we want to show you how!

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