
Trinity MOPS – How to Create a Tech-Ready Home with PYE

How to Create a Tech-Ready Home: Embracing the Tension between Careful, Countercultural, and Confident (Parents and Caring Adults Only) Although it’s not possible to create an internet-safe home, it is possible to create one that is internet SAFER. After well over a thousand presentations to parents, […]

Our Lady of Consolation – How to Lead Tech-Savvy Youth with Empathy and Compassion

Our Lady of Consolation 4865 11 Mile Rd NE, Rockford

How to Lead Tech-Savvy Youth with Empathy and Compassion  (Parents and Caring Adults) Do you have a device close by right now? Go ahead, pick it up, and marvel at the tech in your hands. Your phone can complete five trillion operations per second and handle […]

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