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Middle School (Ages 10-13)

What they’re like: Middle schoolers begin to move from concrete thinking to more abstract and complex thinking. Peer relationships become central to their lives. Middle schoolers are heavily influenced by their peers and often seek approval and acceptance from their social groups. Increased self-awareness often leads to comparisons with peers, which can affect their self-esteem. They may become more self-conscious and concerned with how they are perceived by others.

Friendships might become more complex and intense.

There is a growing desire for independence from parents and caregivers, which can lead to conflicts as they push boundaries and seek to assert their autonomy. A strong sense of fairness and justice often develops during this period, and they may become passionate about causes and issues they see as important.

These sensitivities to others, belonging, and relationships is why it’s so critical to keep social media out of their lives. They should have fewer voices giving them answers during this unique developmental time.

5 words that describe preschoolers:
Devices that could work:
Posts that might help:
Books for this phase:
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