Join the Movement - Sign the Delay Manifesto
We believe the best experiences in life are almost always analog
We aren’t anti-technology. We simply want the right tech at the right time – and that’s often a lot later than the rest of the world. Why? Because pitting our amazing children against the world’s most brilliant software engineers isn’t fair or right.
We believe in the unique value of one, precious childhood
This means we will make hard tech decisions now. So, they can have a healthier later. Why? Because no parent ever regrets giving their child social media too late.
We believe in the power of human connection
Looking at each other. Smiling. A caring hug. Why? Because were literally designed for each other.
We believe in teaching our children how to use technology
This starts with us modeling limited and transparent use of our tech. Why? Because it’s tough being a parent in the digital age. But it’s even tougher being a kid.
We believe in starting fresh
Maybe we said “yes” a little too soon. If so, we’re going to lead with relationship, talk about the changes we want to make, and re-establish boundaries. Why? Because my kids are worth it.
And we will boldly and confidently speak about the decision we’ve made
This includes school leadership, other parents, or relatives. Advocating for change when needed. Why? Because many may hold similar beliefs but lack the courage to speak out.
Sign the Manifesto
A letter from our CEO
Read about our team’s commitment to provide everyone on our global platform with the technology that can help them move ahead.
Featured in Childhood 2.0
Honored to join Bark and other amazing advocates in this film.
World Economic Forum Presenter
Joined a coalition of global experts to present on social media's harms.
Testified before Congress
We shared our research and experience with the US Senate Judiciary Committee.