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Phone-Free and Low-Tech Schools
Using learning science to lead educational outcomes.
Every school that goes phone-free experiences positive results.
Four norms to reclaim childhood.
• No social media until age 16.
• No smartphones until high school.
• Bring back the play-based childhood.
• Phone-free schools.

Free Resources to Help Parents or Leadership go Phone-Free
Use our step-by-step toolkit and resources to talk to your school about becoming phone-free and/or low-tech. School leaders can also use these resources to help parents understand their decisions.
We also think classrooms should be low-tech.
Learning science proves it. Young brains learn best without
A letter from our CEO
Read about our team’s commitment to provide everyone on our global platform with the technology that can help them move ahead.
Featured in Childhood 2.0
Honored to join Bark and other amazing advocates in this film.
World Economic Forum Presenter
Joined a coalition of global experts to present on social media's harms.
Testified before Congress
We shared our research and experience with the US Senate Judiciary Committee.