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How to Block Porn on Any Device. For Free.
The Internet is full of pornography.
Anyone who has spent any time searching for anything on the unfiltered Internet knows explicit content is often just a few accidental clicks away. In the Childhood 2.0 documentary, I used the illustration of a coffee table. Thinking analog for a moment, imagine your child waking up daily with four magazines on a coffee table. Three are fine and one is pornographic and you just hope they make the right choice daily. That's the unfiltered internet today.
It’s for this reason caring adults need to have a basic understanding of how the domain name system works. Through this understanding, parents can block most pornography. For free!
Understanding the Domain Name System (DNS)
In the Internet Hall of Fame, we find Paul Mockapetris, who expanded the Internet beyond its academic origins by inventing the Domain Name System (DNS) in 1983.
Think of DNS as the digital phonebook for the Internet. Humans look for information by typing in words like “protect young eyes” (also referred to as a “domain name”) while computers use IP addresses (a series of numbers) to communicate, like 123.45.678. The DNS translates the words into numbers so that the Internet can show humans what they’re looking for.
Yes, every single time you type words into Google, there’s an entire translation system that’s attempting to take human-speak and turn it into computer-speak and then vice-versa.
And located all around the world are DNS servers that house databases of public IP addresses (because not all websites are public - like the dark web, your banking information, and your Disney account) and their associated domain names. The DNS services use that information to “resolve” or translate our human Google searches into something understood by computers.
Protecting Your Family with Layers
One of the most popular parts of our parent presentation - the 5 Habits of a Tech-Ready Home - is where we talk about wrapping our kids in "layers" of protection. We have five layers, as shown in the graphic below. This post focuses on the WiFi and device layers. It's important to understand how the advice we share here fits into a larger family culture of digital wellness and not just settings and software. These five layers are one of the multiple frameworks we teach in our on-demand course.

Always Start with the Router
As you can see in the layers, after the Relationship layer comes the WIFI layer. Because your router is the most important digital device in your home! Always, always have a router that is filtering out content for all WIFI-dependent devices as a first step. But since devices sometimes travel to other WIFI networks that maybe don't have filtering, using free DNS filtering in the DEVICE layer is also necessary.
You'll want to first read our Ultimate Guide to Understanding Routers to better understand your current router situation. Here's the short story:
- Some routers from internet service providers (e.g., Xfinity) have porn filters you can activate. Call customer service to find out. But they're not always very good, so you might still want to use clean DNS on your router, following the instructions in the Router post
- A router like Gryphon has built-in porn filtering. This means I don't need to make any DNS changes to the router. I still need to block porn on my devices, but the router layer is covered by Gryphon, which is what I use for my family.
Let's keep going. Deep breath! Step-by-step, we can do this!
Our Favorite Clean DNS Providers
Now we get into the DEVICE layer from the image above. And with the knowledge you've gained, you can see that we can tell each device to only use a "clean" DNS server to prevent access to inappropriate domain names. And this isn't just for kids and it's not just to block porn! Certain DNS servers can block whole categories of content, like mature content, violence, weapons, and more. For adults who want to steer clear of pornography, that might mean just blocking IP addresses categorized as “pornography, sexualized content, and mature.”
We achieve these objectives by manually telling each digital device to use a clean DNS server that prevents access to those categories. And, we’ll show you how to do that device-by-device below! First, we want to share our favorite clean DNS providers so you can apply this information to each of your devices.
At Protect Young Eyes, there are two “clean” DNS server providers that we recommend to our families:
- – is an organization started by a couple of tech-genius dads who saw some weaknesses with OpenDNS that they wanted to solve for their own kids, including more control over image searches, mixed content sites (like Reddit), locking YouTube Restricted Mode, locking safe search on popular search engines, and more.
- OpenDNS – this is one of the world’s most popular clean DNS solutions because it was thefirst to offer what they were doing for businesses to families for free.
Over the years, I've run the CleanBrowsing Family Filter DNS (see below) on Chromebooks and our router (until we found Gryphon!).
The CleanBrowsing Family Filter DNS IP Addresses are (you'll learn now to use the IP addresses further down):
This configuration blocks access to all adult, pornographic, and explicit sites. It also blocks proxy and VPN domains that are used to bypass the filters. Mixed content sites (like Reddit) are also blocked. Google, Bing, Yandex, DuckDuckGo, and YouTube are set to the Safe Mode (yeah!).
If you’re really nerdy, and know what DNSCrypt is, you can read more about CleanBrowsing and DNSCrypt here.
The CleanBrowsing Adult Filter DNS IP Addresses are (but you probably want to use the Family Filter above):
This configuration blocks access to all adult, pornographic, and explicit sites. It does not block proxy or VPNs, nor mixed-content sites. Sites like Reddit are allowed. Google and Bing are set to the Safe Mode and YouTube is not restricted. I would only use those if you have older children or if you're just trying to keep adults clear of adult content.
The OpenDNS Family Shield DNS IP Addresses are:
The service blocks pornographic content, including “Pornography,” “Tasteless,” and “Sexuality” categories, in addition to proxies and anonymizers (which can circumvent filtering). It also blocks phishing and some malware. Both CleanBrowsing and OpenDNS are great. We prefer CleanBrowsing because of its ease of use and it satisfies one of my personal requirements that I've met the owners and they're good humans.
How to Block Porn on Popular Devices Using DNS
Now, let’s use these IP addresses to keep the junk out of your homes. **Clarity – everything you’re going to read below is very browser-focused. Meaning, if you configure CleanBrowsing’s DNS on your iPhone or Android, it will do its work in Safari, Google, Chrome, Opera, Dolphin, or whatever internet search app you might use.
In other words, this isn’t the silver bullet for Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok or other apps. You will have to depend on each app's own content controls, which have varying degrees of effectiveness. This is why multiple layers of protection are needed.
If you've come this far, that's amazing. I think you can keep going! But if you're feeling overwhelmed, that's why Abby from PYE is ready to help at The Table, which is our private, tech-support community. She's very good at answering router and DNS questions! It's free for 7 days and just $12/month after.

How to Block Porn on Your Wireless Router
I already touched on this above, but too many families miss the significant step of controlling their wireless router. Make no mistake! You (parent) are responsible for every digital click that occurs on your WIFI! Every babysitter. Every relative. Please make sure you’ve eliminated the bad stuff before they even decide to connect their device to your home’s network.
Our detailed Ultimate Guide to Understanding Routers has everything you need, but here's a snapshot of what's important. You'll want access to two things:
- Access to the router’s dashboard [these helpful instructions show how to access a router's dashboard from various devices].
- Access to someone with a touch of IT knowledge (or a middle schooler, whoever is closer!).
Once you have those two things, you’ll enter the clean DNS IP addresses above that you want. Also, make sure the router’s dashboard is password-protected. This is an excellent opportunity to work on the router with a smart child. Let them see what you're doing, help (they probably know more!), hear you explain why blocking bad content is good for the family, your expectations, etc. Build Digital Trust! Just change the router's dashboard password after they leave!
**Special note for AT&T U-verse families (and anyone else with a router from an Internet Service Provider who won’t let you change the DNS settings). Unfortunately, those darn 2-Wire routers from AT&T and others are NOT configurable. That's when you can get an inexpensive Gryphon Guardian ($79), connect it with an ethernet cable to your router, and give kids access through the Guardian.
How to Block Porn on Chromebooks Using DNS
Chromebooks are notoriously difficult to control. Recently, Family Link has improved so that it works well on Chromebooks. But, Family Link does not block porn effectively.
But, here comes the CleanBrowsing Family Filter DNS settings to the rescue. Follow these steps:
- Log into the Chromebook using your child’s profile.
- Click the oval in the lower right of the device where you see the time, battery, and WIFI signal strength.
- Click the gear.
- Click the arrow to the right of the name of your home WIFI network.
- That should list all of the WIFI networks the Chromebook could access. Again, click the arrow to the right of your home WIFI.
- Scroll down just a little and click where it says “Network.”
- This should open up some options, one called “Name servers.”
- Click the radial button next to “Custom name servers."
- Click the line that appears under that and type this: (on the first line) and (on the second line). These are CleanBrowsing’s DNS server addresses. If you prefer OpenDNS, then type in and
- Then click the back arrow at the top, next to your WIFI name.
- Then “X” out of the settings in the upper right of the blue box. [Click here for our popular Chromebook parental control guide if you want even more Chromebook-related information. For example, Bark has a paid service that will also do this.]
In summary for Chromebooks: CleanBrowsing (free for porn blocking) + Family Link + Bark (includes email, Google Doc, and monitoring) = really great protection for kids.
How to Block Porn on iPhones, iPods, and iPads using DNS
Apple devices already come with really solid content filtering through Screen Time where you can "Limit Adult Websites" (that previous Screen Time link takes you to our very detailed iPhone and iPad set-up guide: Settings -> Screen Time -> Content & Privacy Restrictions -> App Store, Media, Web, & Games -> Web Content -> Limit Adult Websites ). This is absolutely necessary on all iPhones and iPads.
But, by following the instructions below, you obtain more device-wide porn-blocking coverage than with just Screen Time alone, which only effectively blocks adult content in Apple's Safari browser.
Follow these steps for setting CleanBrowsing’s Family Filter DNS on your iOS device (iPhone and iPad):
- Tap the Settings app.
- Tap Wi-Fi (toward the top).
- On the Wi-Fi network used most often, tap the blue “i” in the blue circle.
- Scroll down until you see “Configure DNS.”
- Touch “Manual” (instead of “Automatic”).
- Delete everything under “DNS SERVERS” and “SEARCH DOMAINS” (if there's anything there) by tapping the white subtraction in the red circle.
- Tap “Add Server” under “DNS Servers” and type in and then tap “Add Server” again and type in – these are CleanBrowsing’s Family Filter DNS servers. If you prefer OpenDNS, then type in and
- **Important!** Be sure to tap “Save” in the upper, right corner.
- Then, you can back arrow out.
You need to repeat these steps for each WIFI network used by the device. For example, if you're doing this on an iPad, and the iPad goes to Grandma's house or to a friend's house, then you'll need to follow these same steps for those networks, too.
But what about when the iPhone isn't connected to WIFI (which it often isn't)? That's where CleanBrowsing's app can help, and you can download it from the Apple App Store. But be sure to keep the App Store toggled off, and the instructions for doing that are in our iPhone and iPad set-up guide. Why? Because kids love downloading VPNs and evading all of your parental controls.
- How to turn off the App Store: Settings -> Screen Time -> Content & Privacy Restrictions -> iTunes & App Store Purchases -> Installing Apps -> Don't Allow.
- Related post: What’s a VPN?
Block list certain sites – even with CleanBrowsing enabled. CleanBrowing has a few weak spots where explicit content can be accessed. Add these to the “Never Allow” list in Screen Time (Settings -> Screen Time -> Content & Privacy Restrictions -> App Store, Media, Web, & Games -> Web Content -> Limit Adult Websites -> Never Allow):
- (image search has gaps)
- (search engine)
- (search engine)
- (Art community with so much porn)
- (full search from the web)
- (social media)
- (if you're super careful)
- (porn in memes)
- (screenshots of the web)
- (porn in memes)
- (horrible content)
- (random adult cams)
- (explicit photos)
- (explicit photos)
- (explicit content)
- (explicit anime)
In summary for iOS: Screen Time (free) + CleanBrowsing (free for porn blocking) + Bark (also monitors social media and iMessages) = awesome Apple protection for kids.
Final note about iPhones and iPads - The CleanBrowsing app works by using a VPN (virtual private network) on Apple devices which gives it more control over more of the device. This is good. The issue is Apple allows the VPN to be turned off and you can't prevent it. This is where you can have a "Digital Trust" conversation with your child. They could turn off the VPN, but then the phone disappears. And you would know because there's a "Connect Time" counter next to the CleanBrowsing VPN configuration (Settings -> General -> VPN & Device Management -> VPN -> CleanBrowsing -> tap the "i" -> Connect Time), so you would know if they messed with it.
How to Block Porn on Android Devices (tablets, phones) Using DNS
CleanBrowsing makes it so easy because they have an Android App that will lock in their IP address with a password! You have three options for using CleanBrowsing on an Android device:
- CleanBrowsing App (Direct Download) (Android Versions newer than 9)
- CleanBrowsing App (Google Playstore) (Android Versions below 9)
- Manual Configuration Using Private DNS (Android Versions 9+)
You'll also want to remove the Google Play Store by enabling Google’s Family Link for both kids and teens. This will prevent downloading a VPN to circumvent your DNS controls.
Like with iPhones and iPads, there are a few gaps in the items blocked by CleanBrowsing, so you'll want to add sites to the Family Link “block” sites (same thing as a "don't allow" list). The sites to include are:
- (image search has gaps)
- (search engine)
- (search engine)
- (Art community with so much porn)
- (full search from the web)
- (social media)
- (if you're super careful)
- (porn in memes)
- (screenshots of the web)
- (porn in memes)
- (horrible content)
- (random adult cams)
- (explicit photos)
- (explicit photos)
- (mature content)
- (explicit anime)
In summary for Android: CleanBrowsing (FREE) + Bark (monitors email, texting, and social media very effectively on Android!) + Family Link (FREE) = awesome Android protection for kids.
How to Block Porn on a Windows Computer Using DNS
CleanBrowsing gives amazing instructions for using the command prompt to lock in DNS, whether you choose to use theirs or OpenDNS (or another of your choosing): How to Set Clean DNS on a Windows Computer
How to Block Porn on a MacBook Using DNS
CleanBrowsing has great instructions for setting up its service on a MacBook: How to Set Clean DNS on a Mac. Once you’ve followed those steps, then follow these screenshots to lock the changes into the Mac:

How to Block Porn on a Kindle Fire HD with Clean DNS
CleanBrowsing’s website has wonderful screenshots that you can follow -> just follow this link.
How to Block Porn on Gaming Systems and Smart TVs with Clean DNS
There are too many gaming systems and smart TV brands to name them all. Here are three keys for any of them:
- Control the router!
- Enable whatever parental controls you can at the account level, like Xbox Live or Nintendo eStore for Switch (we how in the Device section of our site)
- Set CleanBrowsing’s clean DNS on those devices, too. We list a few below, and you can Google the others!
Setting manual DNS on Nintendo Switch
Setting manual DNS on PlayStation 4 or 5
For smart TVs, just Google “set manual DNS on [insert brand name]” and follow the instructions.
But… don’t just block porn. Please talk openly about porn, too!
Blocking porn is great, but blocking alone doesn’t prepare a child for what to do when he/she sees pornography for the first time. That’s right, not IF but WHEN! We’ve written extensively, for various organizations, about the significance of your voice and speaking openly and honestly about all of the awkward things that no one talked to you about. And here are a few posts from our site that might help:
- Related post: How to Talk to a 5-Year-Old About Porn
- Related post: 10 Before 10 - Making Porn a More Normal Conversation
- Related podcast: A Conversation Between Chris and Ben at Exodus Cry
So, there you go! Head back up and re-read the “In summary” statements above and protect your kids!

What if I have more questions? How can I stay up to date?
Two actions you can take!
- Subscribe to our tech trends newsletter, the PYE Download. About every 3 weeks, we’ll share what’s new, what the PYE team is up to, and a message from Chris.
- Ask your questions in our private parent community called The Table! It’s not another Facebook group. No ads, no algorithms, no asterisks. Just honest, critical conversations and deep learning! For parents who want to “go slow” together. Become a member today!

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